Dito Directory 3: Now Available on the Google Apps Marketplace

We typically don't use the blog to promote product releases from Dito but we feel that the Dito Directory is a great way to provide end users with domain shared contacts.  We'd like to make an exception today and announce the release of Dito Directory 3 and its availability on the Google Apps Marketplace.

For those that are not familiar with the Dito Directory, this tool is a contact manager that gives domain administrators the power to upload, create, and modify Domain Shared Contacts and User Profiles that are shared across the domain.

With the new release, we have improved the bulk import process and introduced enterprise-grade speed, even when managing tens of thousands of contacts.  We also took our customers requests into consideration and incorporated those into the new version where we could, thanks for your feedback!

Below are a few highlighted items that Dito Directory 3 offers:

For a brief overview of Directory, check out the video below.

Let us know your initial thoughts on D3 in the comments section below!

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